The 4 elements needed to create a dynamic plot are:
1. The hero/heroine’s goal (what he/she wants)
2. The hero/heroine’s issue (the internal conflict that’s keeping him/her from her goal)
3. Obstacles in the hero/heroine’s path (the external conflict that’s keeping him/her from his/her goal)
4. The results of dealing with his/her internal issue (change)
In summary then, every plot needs a goal, conflict, overcoming obstacles, resolution. Looking close at this list should remind you of the story arc: Introduction, build, climax, resolution. The story arc is the chain on which the pearls of your novel are strung. You can think of story arc as the things that happen—the scenes or episodes—from the beginning of the novel to its conclusion. The story arc—also called a narrative arc—is the same thing as plot.
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