Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Rules Beginning Writers Should Never Break

We often talk about the "rules" of writing for kids citing proper page lengths and
story types for different age groups. A better term would probably be "guidelines";
these rules exist only to tell you what, in general, editors like to see in the
manuscripts sent to them. And, of course, for every rule there are numerous
exceptions. But while we'd all like to think our book is strong enough to override the
guidelines, this is usually not the case. Here are some rules that shouldn't be broken
until you a best-selling author:

Write Within Designated Word Lengths
No editor is going to turn down a terrific book just because the text length falls
outside the average guidelines. If your young adult novel is complete in 100 pages,
there's no sense padding the manuscript simply because most YAs are longer. But
length guidelines are there for a reason -- publishers have determined about how
much text kids of different ages can read, and so it behooves you to try to stay as
close to those guidelines as possible.

Don't Provide Testimonials in Queries
It's nice to have lots of neighborhood kids read your manuscript and give you
positive feedback, but your potential editor doesn't want to hear about it. Frankly,
editors don't give much credence to testimonials from readers who may be family or
friends of the author. Also, don't clutter up the query letter with ideas for why
children need your book or what they'll learn from it. This is up to the editor to
decide. (One exception: You've written a nonfiction book and can show that there
aren't any other books in print that cover the same subject.)

Keep your query letter tight, brief, and to the point. Provide an intriguing plot
synopsis or nonfiction outline, relevant information about yourself, and enclose a
self-addressed, stamped envelope. Sell your book, not your reasons for writing it.

Don't Write a Series Before Selling the First Book
I've critiqued many manuscripts from authors who say, "I've got six more books
written with these characters. Should I mention that to the editor when I submit my
manuscript?" My answer is always no. Unless an editor is specifically looking for new
series proposals, and the books were written from the start to form a series, this is a
bad idea. Realize that series are created as a group of books that are bound
together by some sort of hook; in fiction, it might be a club the main characters
form, a neighborhood they all live in, or a cause they champion. In nonfiction, it's a
topic (natural sciences, biographies) and an age group. Rarely do you see picture
book fiction series. What does happen is a character may become very popular with
readers and the author is asked to write another book featuring the same cast.
These fiction "series" actually grow slowly one book at a time.

So, unless you've conceived your books as a traditional series and are able to
send a thought-out series proposal to the editor, stick to selling one book. When an
editor sees you have numerous manuscripts featuring the same characters and
similar plots, she may feel that you've spent too much writing new material and not
enough time revising what you've already got. And remember, each book -- series or
not -- must stand on its own. It needs a strong beginning, well-developed middle,
and satisfying end. No fair leaving the ending unfinished with the intention of
continuing the story in the next book.

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